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Why we seek God's will?

Seeking God's will and then what

In our walks as Christians, we may often hear the idea of living for God’s plan. I encourage the idea and have sought it for the majority of my adult life. For me it is important to seek the one who made me. God created me and knows what my abilities and limitations are. I believe it is best to be directed by the one who knows me best.

In an effort to seek God’s will and plan, I have listed 4 important questions and the possible reasons behind why we ask.

1.      Why are we asking?

a.      To see our purpose for our lives.

b.      To find value and meaning to our existence.

c.      In order to do the right thing (performance).

d.      To gain approval.

e.      To gain recognition.

2.      Are we looking in order to find the answer?

a.      Do we ask, but not expect an answer (lack of faith/or no faith)?

b.      Do we expect a specific type or way God should answer?

c.      Do we avoid so we can do what we want?

3.      Are we open to hearing the answer?

a.      Do we really want an answer?

b.      Do we want God to tell us what we should be doing?

c.      Do we want God to tell us what we are made for?

d.      Are we willing to exchange our hopes, dreams, or goals for God’s plan?

4.      Are we prepared to make adjustments or changes to do God’s will?

a.      Are we willing to step out in faith and trust God’s plan?

b.      Are we open to a change in job, location, goal, finances or the like?

c.      Are we flexible?

If you are seeking answers, I encourage you to look at the “why” behind the question. Be honest with yourself and look at the reason you are asking. Then take the next step, are you willing to adjust or change?

One really great book to help you comes in a reading book and workbook. I believe they have even developed a devotional to go with it. Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. This book can be found at,, and (I get no benefit from any of these - I am not affiliated).

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Margaret Tomasello site owner

As a mother, I have always had a nurturing and caring nature. Agape Corner was founded with the purpose of helping others and sharing my spiritual journey with the world. My hope is to support those who may be struggling and provide them with a safe space to explore their faith and grow together as a community. Whether you are seeking guidance or simply a sense of belonging, Agape Corner welcomes you with open arms!

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