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Uncovering What Prevents Change and Gets in the Way

Change: the things that get in the way


We create goals and find we are unable to meet them due to subconscious pulls.

New Goals and some of the reasons why we fail:

1.      Healthy eating habits

·        Comfort eating undermines our efforts because we seek to cope through food.

·        Depression and a lack of energy so we use food as a quick boost.

·        The financial cost of healthy food may be beyond our budget.

2.      Exercise for our health

·        Our mindset sees it as a punishment.

·        Using pain to justify avoiding any type of movement or exercise.

·        Using the excuse of needing special circumstances or equipment.

3.      Self-care

·        Lack of knowledge

o   We did not learn self-care growing up.

o   We do not recognize it as valuable.

o   We avoid learning.

·        The struggle to accept ourselves as we are. Self-acceptance and Self-love are missing.

·        Unforgiveness or shame preventing us from feeling like we deserve to be nice to ourselves.

·        Putting everyone and everything before our own care.

4.      Losing weight

·        Inability to accept how we got here (the extra weight).

·        The weight is insulation and protection preventing emotional damage.

·        Negative self-image or not feeling acceptable (not good enough).

·        Using food to cope emotionally.

5.      Breaking bad habits

·        Why did the habit start? Usually there was an emotional trigger. Not looking at the trigger but trying to change the behavior.

·        We don’t replace the habit with a healthy positive habit.

·        The bad habit was modeled to us as a way of life.

·        We don’t want to see the negative impact of the bad habit and condone it (justify it).

Life is a journey, and we have the ability to change. God knows your heart and your struggle. He knows how you got to this place in life, and He knows what will set you free.

I would like to encourage you to pray specifically about any of these areas you want to change. Seek God’s revelation. Allow Him to show you what the root cause is (the stumbling block). Allow Him to show you the way out.


About Me

Margaret Tomasello site owner

As a mother, I have always had a nurturing and caring nature. Agape Corner was founded with the purpose of helping others and sharing my spiritual journey with the world. My hope is to support those who may be struggling and provide them with a safe space to explore their faith and grow together as a community. Whether you are seeking guidance or simply a sense of belonging, Agape Corner welcomes you with open arms!

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