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Fresh Start: begins within

Fresh Start: change come from within through Christ

It’s more than just a New Year’s resolution. As the year begins, many choose to make changes. We want a better life, health, habits, etc. A new year is a motivation to make changes. It symbolizes hope and promise.

We make outward changes, yet there is an underlying cause to our situations. We have an inner child who is ­­­­­­­­­­­­the collection of our experiences, patterns, behaviors, needs (met and unmet) and emotions. The inner child within us is the product of our childhood. It is directly affected by the positive and negative experiences we have had. Our inner child lives within our subconscious. It drives out reactions and behaviors.

There are several books and therapists that help us understand the connection between our inner child and our subconscious tendencies. Recovery of Your Inner Child by Lucia Capacchione, PH. D. is only one of many.

We usually try to make changes without going deep into the root cause of our actions and behaviors. Trying to remove the negative and replace the positive permanently requires the restoration of our inner child. The child within needs security, acceptance, unconditional love and more.

Fresh start: change come through Christ

These are the traits of God. It is hard to connect the traits of God with the needs of our inner child. Especially if we have been abandoned, lied to, rejected, or abused. Our trust is compromised.

When people come and say, “just have faith” or “trust God,” how can that bring comfort to those who have experienced so much broken trust?

Shifting from self-reliance to trusting God, can be a slow journey or a giant leap of faith. Each person has their own journey as they develop their relationship with God. Learning to be close to God is the road that Jesus takes us on from glory to glory with the teaching of the Holy Spirit. It’s those revelations of the Holy Spirit that restores the inner child. Jesus reveals the gaps, holes, damage, and sins that leaves our inner child yearning for love, security, and more.

As the inner child allows God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in, then they will replace our damage with the truth of God’s nature. The truths of God begin to reach the core of who we are beyond just our mind. We may know these truths, but not feel them in our heart or inner child. Only the one who made us can see our deepest needs and heal them.

Restoration is our freshest start. It gives us a new beginning to care and love ourselves the way God intended for us to do. Through the love of God our habits change, our outlook changes, our emotions change, and our behaviors change. Our fresh start comes as a result of the changes Christ makes within us.

I implore you to allow God to use all things to transform you. Look around and see what God has to say as He tries to heal you from with.

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Margaret Tomasello site owner

As a mother, I have always had a nurturing and caring nature. Agape Corner was founded with the purpose of helping others and sharing my spiritual journey with the world. My hope is to support those who may be struggling and provide them with a safe space to explore their faith and grow together as a community. Whether you are seeking guidance or simply a sense of belonging, Agape Corner welcomes you with open arms!

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