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Change, who me? Why?

Change...Why? Let's look.
A vehicle to me_2.0

Why do I need to change if God loves me the way I am?

God’s acceptance comes from a place of unconditional love. It is mirrored in the love of a parent for a child. God wants the best for us including the best version of us. Consider change as upgrades or updates, me_2.0. Each time we improve, we become a better version of ourselves. We overcome the emotional, financial, intellectual, social, or physical challenges. God does not want us to wait until we have worked out our problem, then come to Him. Nor does God want to us to try to figure out our problems without His wisdom and care. We are all His children. (Prodigal children…Luke chapter 15)

Could we stay the same? I’m sure we could, but do we really want to. If given the option to improve, why deny it. If we were given 1 million dollars to improve our finances, but said I’ll bury in the ground so I always have it, what good would that do? We would be millionaires but unimproved. It would be a waste of money. God is our best resource for change and improvement. The Holy Spirit is our teacher. He has been given to us straight from God so that we may become closer to God and know His ways.

However, if we stay as we are, will God reject us? Staying the same rejects the growth and opportunities God offers. Consider the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. This is a biblical story of how the servants respond to what the master asks them to care for. I want the Lord to greet me at the gates of Heaven with, “Welcome good and faithful servant.” Not because I strove to please God in my own strength, but because I listened to the calling and direction of the Holy Spirit. I was willing to serve according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I will not be perfect because only Christ is perfect. I will make mistakes, but my heart desires to please the one who loves me the most – God.

Are Christians getting in the way of our change? How do you see Christians? Do they seem to always judge and want perfection? God is perfect and tells us that He will take us from glory to glory. God knows and accepts where we are at. Yet, He wants more for us. Let’s consider the benefits of being open to the changes and desires God has for us.

Our Christian walk is one of training. We walk with God not to perform for the standards of others. We walk with God not to gain perfection. We walk with God to build a relationship with Him and become close (heart – to – heart). We walk with God to learn His ways. We walk with God to live the Gospel and to be a reflection of God. Others will see a clearer picture of God as we strengthen our relationship with God.

Let’s view change in a selfish light. Let’s change just for our own gain. God, through the Holy Spirit, will provide opportunities for us to grow. God will offer us learning experiences to build stronger character, stability, and more.

Because of my relationship with the Trinity (God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit my teacher), I want to give them my whole heart and to serve in any way they request. I trust them in their choices for me. They are the designer, creator, and master of all that is around me. They have more wisdom than I can ever imagine. Their wisdom surpasses all that humanity has learned since creation. I choose to put my faith and belief in them. I trust them to be my guide through various areas of my life: a deeper spiritual relationship, better life skills, gaining wisdom, emotional growth and stability, the care of my physical body, and so much more.

I challenge you to choose change. Take the opportunity to become new and improved. Let God develop your gifts, talents, and skills through His wisdom.

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Margaret Tomasello site owner

As a mother, I have always had a nurturing and caring nature. Agape Corner was founded with the purpose of helping others and sharing my spiritual journey with the world. My hope is to support those who may be struggling and provide them with a safe space to explore their faith and grow together as a community. Whether you are seeking guidance or simply a sense of belonging, Agape Corner welcomes you with open arms!

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