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7 helpful ways to weather life's storms

ways to weather life's storm

It’s hard to cope when life is a crushing storm. Heavy burdens, disappointment, illness, finances and so much more. Sometimes God allow the storm. The disciples spent a night in a boat fearing the waves of storm that tossed them about. In the early hours of the morning, Jesus came to them. During the night, however, the disciples had to wait through the fear and uncertainty.

My life had had storms that tossed me about. Financial struggles that took time to get better. Relationship failures that nearly broke. Faith and prayer didn’t stop the storm, but it carried me through it. Some of my storms have been harsh, rough, and seemed endless. The faith and prayer sustained my hope and at times brought me peace.

These are 7 of the things I have done to help me through life’s stormy waters.

1.Prayer – specifically I asked for: the removal of the storm, asked for comfort (a hug from Jesus, or something I would recognize as love specifically for me), asking for peace (a sense of calm), and asking for direction.

2. Talking with a trusted friend

3. Asked other people to pray for me

4. Did small tasks that I could complete, giving me a sense of control, accomplishment, and sense of success. (Some days I even added taking a shower to my to do list just so I could mark it off).

5. Music for enrichment, motivation, comfort, and pleasure.

6. Journal to put my thoughts and emotions on paper and out of my head.

7. Exercise or physical activity to burn off frustration. Usually I do the physical activity, including rearranging furniture and organizing my house).

Peace in the middle of the storm

A few favorite verses in these times...

Hebrews 12:2...Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.

Psalms 16:8 ...I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 141:8... But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord; In You I take refuge; Do not leave my soul destitute.

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Margaret Tomasello site owner

As a mother, I have always had a nurturing and caring nature. Agape Corner was founded with the purpose of helping others and sharing my spiritual journey with the world. My hope is to support those who may be struggling and provide them with a safe space to explore their faith and grow together as a community. Whether you are seeking guidance or simply a sense of belonging, Agape Corner welcomes you with open arms!

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